A portal has ripped through time and space creating an entrance to Fairyland. It’s only open for two days, will you take a chance and enter?

July 26 - 27, 2025

July 26 - 27, 2025

July 26 - 27, 2025

Walk through a portal between time and space into an enchanted forest to visit the homes of its inhabitants; participate in the fairy customs and games throughout the exhibit. Sneak into a witch’s hut and practice with their ingredients, or crawl through a monster’s mouth to their underbelly. Perhaps you yearn to see through a frog or raven’s eyes? Or maybe it’s your chance to sit and meditate in a mushroom circle, despite the dangers. Many adventures await in the interactive exhibit made from over one thousand water bottles, cans, pieces of cardboard, and paper.




A newly renovated and public-facing 5,200 square foot space managed by Cornish College of the Arts.

A newly renovated and public-facing 5,200 square foot space managed by Cornish College of the Arts.

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